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DSPIAE - AT-PL Aluminum Alloy Panel Liner


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    1. Dip the nib into panel line colors until it covers the nibs breath hole.
    2. slightly brush the nib against the bottle to get rid of extra colors.
    3. Gently push the nib after positioning the tip accurately at the starting point to let color flow by itself into engraved panel lines.
    4. Carefully lift the tip from model surface and wait for the color to dry thoroughly. Then, check for any spots that need touch up.
    5. Should overflow occur, use a damp cotton swab or other suitable tools dipped with proper thinner to wipe out excessive colors.
    6. Use brush with washing liquid to clean the nib after work and keep the pen recapped.

    Packing Details (AT PL)

    • Stainless Steel nib x1
    • Aluminum Pen Holder x1

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