HGBF #26 Gundam Amazing Red Warrior
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SKU: BAN5065732
All Bandai Gundams / Gunpla High Grade Gundam Kits New Arrivals Real New ArrivalsIn stock
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$36.00 - Regular price
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- Gundam Amazing Red Warrior
- Hyper Bazooka
- Arm-mounted Beam Saber
- Shield
- Manipulators
- Fists (1 pair)
- Multipurpose Weapon-holding (1 pair)
- Hand Gun
- Gunblade (short)
- Gunblade (long)
- Grip
- Beam Gatling
- Gatling Gun nozzle
- E-Pac
- Beam Rifle Ko
- Beam Rifle nozzle
- Sensor
- Beam Gatling
- Beam Rifle Otsu
Kit Features & Gimmicks
- The head can swivel/tilt on a double-sided ball-jointed neck.
- Shoulder joints can swing frontwards.
- The arms can...
- Swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- Raise horizontally.
- The upper arms can rotate.
- The elbows and knees are double-jointed.
- The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The waist can rotate, though it can be hindered by a few skirt armor panels.
- The front and side skirt armors can pivot to avoid interference with the leg articulation.
- The hip joint axis is a see-saw type joint, allowing it to pivot up/down on one side.
- The upper thighs can swing frontwards (and backwards in a limited extent due to the non-poseable rear skirt armor) on a peg joint, raise horizontally, and/or rotate on each piece.
- The ankles can tilt (slightly)/pivot.
- Shoulder thrusters can swivel 90 degrees back.
- The backpack's weapon joint racks are articulated.
Weapons/Other Gimmicks
- The hands are swappable.
- Any of the weapons can be wielded by the weapon-holding hands.
- The chest & front skirt armors can reveal Missile Launchers via minor parts rearrangement.
- Hyper Bazooka can...
- Extend or retract, while the handle grip can pivot.
- Be wedged out and convert into firing mode along with the backpack's sub-arm joint.
- Beam Rifle Otsu's & Handgun's grip can pivot up and down.
- Gunblades can attach onto the Handgun.
- The grip unit's handle can pivot left or right.
- The grip unit can be built into either Beam Gatling or Beam Rifle Ko.
- Beam Rifle Otsu can combine with either the Beam Gatling or Beam Rifle Ko.
- The Handgun or the Beam Rifle Otsu (with Gatling or Ko parts) can attach onto the backpack's left arm unit.
- Gundam Amazing Red Warrior can mount onto any Action Bases. (Sold separately)