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White Dwarf 499


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    White Dwarf is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more.

    Here’s what you can look forward to in the April issue:

     – Letters, questions, and pictures of miniatures sent in by you, our readers.

    Inside the Studio – What we've been painting recently. Also, a sneak peek of things to come...

    Access Granted!
     – An introduction to this month's action in the White Dwarf bunker.

    Challenges – Are you ready for our Psykers, Sorcerers and the Supernatural painting challenge?

    The Crusade Campaign – New Crusade relics and part two of our campaign. How is your Crusade going?

    Scenarios of the Month – New scenarios for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar, plus a Warcry Battleplan Generator.

    Basic Training – Who has priority here? Hopefully, this issue's tactics guide will help you find out.

    Hobby Hangout – Part two of creating a colour scheme: taking an idea and turning it into units of models.

    Satellite Uplink – The Redditch Tabletop Gamers get in touch, and we take a closer look and magical models.

    WARHAMMER 40,000
    A Tale of Four Warlords
     – It's the final challenge for James, Rhu, Joe and Andy, and they have pulled out all the stops.

    Mysteries of the Crypteks – Chrono-psycho-techno-pyromancy. Is there anything Crypteks can't do? Well, eat...

    Tempus Purgatus – The first part in a short-long story set in the past-present-future of a Tech-priest.

    Temporal Abnormalities – You'll have the time of your life with these chronologically confusing Boarding Actions missions.

    Galactic War Hosts: Necron Dynasties – Painting and modelling inspiration dedicated to the true rulers of the galaxy.

    Army Gallery: Purge the Xenos – Golden Demon winner Martin Waller shares his stunning Deathwatch army with us.

    Ark Arcana: The Faith and Priests of the Cults Unberogen
     – Do you have faith in the God-King Sigmar? You should join one of the Cults Unberogen.

    Dawnbringer Chronicles: The Rattle of the Pipes – Something sinister lurks in the sewers of Hammerhal in this short little tail...

    Rules of Engagement – You Messin'? Jimbo talks us through his top 10 narrative rules.

    Deathgorge Bladeborn – Six Bladeborn warbands migrate from Warhammer Underworlds into Warcry.


    The Aranthian Succession: 130 Streets of Death
     – It's the final part of the studio's campaign. But who has triumphed in the underhive?

    Worlds of Warhammer
     – From ancient grudges to new mutinies, find out how civil war makes civil hands unclean.

    Legacy of Defiance: IV – And it's also the final part in our Tome Keepers serial. What will be the fate of Istrouma?

    Each copy of issue 499 also comes with a cardboard insert, including the scenario of the month for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

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